Creating SGA Bills

  1. Determine what you need to buy

  2. Draft the Bill

  3. Determine what SGA will fund

  4. Submit to the SCCGB for approval

  5. Submit to JacketPages

  6. Attend JFC Review

  7. Conclusion

Determining What You Need to Buy

This is basically up to team leadership. However, this should be done at the beginning of each semester in totality to the best your of ability. One large bill is significantly more professional looking in the eyes of SGA. It demonstrates planning has been done, and a few large bills make it easier for SGA reps to total what each team or the SCC has requested. As such, the SCCGB has a requirement that teams combine bills on a semesterly basis. Exceptions will be made for emergencies and unexpected circumstances.

Drafting a Bill

Create an excel spreadsheet.

OS&E should include items you want to buy, the price, the quantity, the vendor, the part number, a link to purchase, and the amount of time you expect the item to last. Broad categories should be used for construction materials (e.g. fasteners, metal stock, plastic stock). Specifics should be used for more expensive items (e.g. drexler differential, a type of limited slip differential). Computers are special: in the SGA submission, you may condense the computer into one line item. For the SCCGB, please list the exact parts you intend to buy including peripherals (e.g. monitor, mouse, keyboard).

Travel should include the destination, number of people, method of travel, distance from the origin, and price per person.

Registration should include the name of the event, location, number of people, and price per person.

Determining What SGA Will Fund

Once you have a list, you need to read SGA policy on funding. The policy is set by the Joint Finance Committee (JFC). The most recent version of JFC policy can be found on the undergraduate finance webpage.

A few basics:

  • items lasting 3 or more years are capital outlay and are funded at 2/3 maximum

  • use the travel calculator when adjusting the cost per person for travel

  • food, office supplies, giveaways, and few other classes of item are not eligible for funding

Submitting for SCCGB Approval

When you have finished your spreadsheet and adjusted based on what SGA will fund, place the link to the spreadsheet in the SCCGB meeting agenda with your team name under the Open Forum section.


The majority of SCCGB edits are to commonize line item names, and compound line items to give you greater flexibility in spending. Occasionally we will correct for JFC policy. If we make formal amendments, you are required to make those edits before submitting to JacketPages.

Submitting to JacketPages

Once the bill has SCCGB approval, you may submit to JacketPages.

You will need to secure an undergrad and grad author that sponsors the bill.

From this point forward, you can mostly follow the Bill Guide published by SGA.

Attending JFC

This is where SGA audits your bill for compliance with the regulations. As of August 2020, JFC will determine the allocations for your bill as the legislature no longer has discretionary power.


JFC will determine the allocations for your bill.